Schedule Reminder: Late Start (10:20am) on Monday, January 14. Have a great weekend!
about 6 years ago, Blaine School District
There will be a Martin Luther King assembly at BMS on January 15th at 9:00 am. Parents and relatives are invited to join us in the Performing Arts Center for the event. If you are unable to attend, please discuss the contributions MLK made to society.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Please join us BMS Families: On Monday January7, 2019 at 9 am Taproot Theater will be here to do a school-wide performance in the PAC entitled "The Social Net Worth". This presentation covers topics including cyber-bullying, harassment, and positive body image and will last approximately an hour. Here's a link to the performance on Taproot's website if you would like more information on this performance and want to have a conversation after with your student ( There is plenty of space in our beautiful PAC. You do not have to sit with your child!!
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
BMS “Make a Change” community food drive raised over 1900 dollars for the Blaine Food Bank! That money purchased over 100,000 pounds of food. That amount of food would fill three school buses!!!!!! Wow Blaine. Awesome Job. Thank you to everyone who helped.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Happy New Year! School resumes on a regular schedule on Thursday, January 3rd.
about 6 years ago, Blaine School District
Have a great Winter Break! School resumes on January 3, 2019.
about 6 years ago, Blaine School District
BMS Make a Change update: Our students/Parents/Businesses/Supporters have raised $1569 dollars for the Blaine FoodBank. This will be used to purchase food for Blaine families in need of a jumpstart. Thank you EVERYONE for helping us reach OUR goal on this community project. If you would still like to support Blaine, the FoodBank is a great place to start.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
BMS Parents/Guardians: “Make a Change” Last day is tomorrow! We are awfully close to our goal of 1500 dollars. If you know someone or some business who is considering a donation for the 2018 year; please consider the Blaine Food Bank through BMS. The food bank gives soo much to this community and the students of Blaine School District.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Make a Change: wow Blaine and Birch Bay...our second collection day produced another 700 dollars! That brings our total to 1200 dollars. Thank you everyone for your contributions. A special thank you to the local businesses that have donated back to our community. Let’s try to blow our goal of 1500 dollars out of the water.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Winter Ride Registration will run through December 14. The program goes up to Mt. Baker every Saturday in January and February. Go to or text Julie (360) 303-8535 for more info. Lessons are filling up quickly and are anticipated to be full next week. Please sign up ASAP if interested. First time riders are required to take lessons for safety reasons.
about 6 years ago, Darren Benson
ASB Report: We counted just over 500 dollars in donations for the Blaine Food Bank. We still have a long ways to go. Thank you to all the students, families, and local businesses that have donated! As a reminder: this 500 dollars will purchase nearly 15000 pounds of food.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Our ASB will be doing the first classroom count today at 9 am for our Make a Change drive. Every little bit counts!
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Just a reminder about our “Make a Change” community drive. If you have “extra” please send it with your student or drop it off in the office. We hope to give a boost to Blaine families in need. Remember 1500 dollars is an ambitious goal but doable with your help. If we achieve that goal we can bring in nearly 45000 pounds of food! Let’s get this done. Go BMS!!!!
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
Blaine Middle School has started its annual "Make a Change" drive to support our local Blaine Food Bank. Please consider supporting our ambitious goal of raising 1500 dollars for the community of Blaine. Canadian currency and checks will also be accepted this year.
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
We hope to see you tonight at the Family Resource Fair in the high school cafeteria from 5:00-7:30pm. Free pizza, raffle prizes, and over 50 local organizations available to connect with families. Visit our News Feed for all the details.
about 6 years ago, Blaine School District
Free Dinner for the family! The Family Resource Fair is tomorrow night (Dec. 5) in the high school cafeteria from 5:00 - 7:30 PM. Parents bring your family and enjoy a pizza dinner! Two presentations will be available addressing the important topics of Suicide Awareness and Teens and Social Media. Over 50 local resources that are available to you in our community will be in the high school cafeteria. All in one place at the same time! See what is out there and ask any questions you may have. Raffle prizes will be given out and younger kids will receive a Hot Wheels car while checking out the Scouts' derby race track. Face painting by our cheerleaders will also be available. We are looking forward to seeing all of you!
about 6 years ago, Blaine School District
Free Dinner for the family! The Family Resource Fair is tomorrow night in the high school cafeteria from 5:00 - 7:30 PM. Parents bring your family and enjoy a pizza dinner! Two presentations will be available addressing the important topics of Suicide Awareness and Teens and Social Media. Over 50 Local resources that are available to you in our community will be in the high school cafeteria. All in one place at the same time! See what is out there and ask any questions you may have. Raffle prizes will be given out and younger kids will receive a hot wheels car while checking out the Scouts Derby car track! Face painting by our cheerleaders will also be available! If you are a middle school student - sign in and you will be given a Snack Bar Buck to use at school! We are looking forward to seeing all of you!
about 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht
SCHEDULE REMINDER: Late Start Day (10:20am) on Monday, December 3. Buses run on normal routes two hours late and all morning preschool classes are cancelled on late start days.
about 6 years ago, Blaine School District
"Winter Ride" (Ski Bus) registration is open through 12/14/18. Go to the Blaine School District website for more information!
about 6 years ago, Blaine Middle School
Happy Holidays to all the BMS families! Our students had a great day today participating in our BMS LipDub. Ask your student about it and visit the BMS webpage for previous years LipDub.
over 6 years ago, Cabe VanderYacht