10 Conversation Starters for Talking to Your Child About Physical Education
Tell me what you learned in P.E. today.
Tell me about the best part of your P.E. class.
What was the most challenging thing you did in P.E. today?
What skills are you working on in P.E.?
What are you doing differently from last year?
Tell me what things you learned in P.E. that we could try doing together as a family?
Do you like the one minute run?
Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
Who did you play with today?
Can you show me (or teach me) something you learned today?

Dear Parents,
We are so excited to get this year started and get moving in PE! Your child will have PE most school days! Please have your child wear clothing they can easily move around in. Appropriate footwear is required for PE. This includes closed toe sneakers that can tie up or velcro. No sandals/flip flops, heels, crocs, or heelies.
If you need assistance with obtaining appropriate footwear for your child, please contact Julie Butschli at the Family Service Center at (360) 332-0740.
We look forward to teaching your child this year! Please reach out with any questions.
Thank you,
Ethan Sherron & Shannon Nevarez
Blaine Primary School Physical Education