Our School
Your child's safety is of the utmost importance to us in the Blaine School District. Before and after school there are many students who walk by themselves or with siblings. To help students cross some of our busy streets, the district has placed adult crossing guards at the following locations:
~ Corner of Boblett St and Mitchell Ave
~ Corner of Mitchell Ave and H St
~ In front of Blaine Elementary School
~ Borderite Way Crosswalk (PM only)
Morning crosswalks ~ 7:50am - 8:20am
Afternoon crosswalks - 2:50pm - 3:05pm
These crossing guards are there to help your child safely cross the street. We ask you help in stressing to your child(ren) the importance of using only these crosswalks. If you are walking with your child, please model the correct crosswalks to use so that we can reinforce the importance and ease of being safe.
Thank you for your help!