As a result of ongoing conditions, all Blaine schools will start 2 hours late at 10:20AM on Friday, February 7. There will be no preschool. Continue to check back until 7AM in case conditions change. Decisions regarding buses and after school activities will be finalized in the morning.

All schools are closed on Thursday, February 6, due to snow. Also, all athletics and campus activities are canceled and no out of district transportation.

As a result of ongoing road conditions in parts of the district and new snow this morning, all schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 5. Thank you and have a safe day!

We are thankful for our Facilities personnel who worked diligently on Monday to clear our campus walkways and parking lots. However, as of 6pm, it is clear that unsafe conditions will continue on Tuesday. To help staff and families prepare, the decision is being made early to close all schools on Tuesday, February 4, due to unsafe winter weather conditions. All athletics, extracurricular, and any campus activities, are also canceled on Tuesday.

BHS is hosting the solo and ensemble event on February 1st from 8 am-5 pm!

The Blaine campuses are currently conducting a lockdown DRILL. For more information about our emergency procedures, review the Standard Response Protocol handout at this link: https://5il.co/af5i

Don't forget tomorrow's Glow-Up Night for all incoming 9th graders and their families! It's a high school club fair and dance party, happening Tues. June 13th from 6-8 P.M. in the BHS Cafeteria and Black Box Theater.

Livestream link for BHS Graduation on June 9th at 6 P.M.; https://youtube.com/live/Jbe6ujcr0kE?feature=share

The commencement ceremony for Blaine High School's Class of 2023 will be held in the high school gymnasium this Friday, June 9th at 6 P.M. The event has been moved indoors due to projected rain in the forecast.

Blaine High School's annual plant sale will take place at the school's greenhouse (next to the stadium) on Friday, May 5, from 2:00pm - 5:00pm and on Saturday, May 6, from 9:00am - 12:00pm. The sale includes hanging baskets ($20) and numerous other plants in 4-inch containers ($3). Thank you for your support of our horticulture program!

Click on this live stream link to view the BHS band concert and alumni tribute to Mr. Bob Gray which will begin at 7pm on May 2, 2023: https://youtube.com/live/e0b0XpoxN6c?feature=share

As Spring Break wraps up, don't forget a few items for your calendar this coming week. Supper with the Superintendent Tues., Apr. 11th at 6 P.M. in the Black Box Theater (BHS campus across from the stadium) and Early Release for all grades Weds-Fri. for conferences.

All schools will be closed Fri., Mar. 31st for a non-student day and Apr. 3-7 for Spring Break.

Monday, March 20th is a regularly scheduled late start. All classes will begin two hours late.

Don't forget Supper with the Superintendent this Weds. Mar. 8th at 6 P.M. at Birch Bay Bible Community Church. School finance and schedules will likely be topics of interest, so bring your questions.

All Blaine schools are open and on time today, Wednesday, March 1st.

All Blaine schools will be closed today due to weather related road conditions. All athletics and after school activities are cancelled.

All Blaine schools will be on a two hour late start today, Tuesday, February 28th . We will continue to monitor the changing weather conditions. If a cancellation becomes necessary, another announcement will be made by 8:30 A.M.

Monday, February 27th is a regularly scheduled late start. All classes will begin 2 hours late.

Reminder: No school for all students Monday, January 30th