Special education services are available for young people ages birth to 21 who may have special needs. Special concerns may be with hearing, vision, speech, language, health, learning, developmental delay, behavior management, birth defects or other disabilities. If you have a student you feel may have some special concerns, please contact our office.
Special education services are provided to those students who require specially designed instruction in order to benefit from their general education instruction. These students are identified through a process that most often begins at the teacher/parent level. Each school has a guidance team comprised of teachers, counselor, administrator, school psychologist and possibly other specialists (speech/language pathologist, nurse, occupational therapist) who review students that are of concern. This team will include parents if special education discussion is anticipated. The guidance team is intended to facilitate student learning and may recommend any number of actions toward improving student success. If, however, the recommendation is for special education evaluation, parents must provide written permission prior to assessment. This permission allows testing but a further written consent would be required prior to any change to the students program. If a student is found to meet the state guidelines for eligibility for special education, the school and family will work together to develop an Individual Education Program (IEP).
765 H Street
Blaine, WA 98230
Ph: (360) 332-5881
Fx: (360) 332-0550
Ms. Lindsay Nowakowski
Director of Special Programs
Ms. Rebecca Potts
Program Assistant

Ms. Nowakowski has served the Blaine School District since graduating from Western Washington University in 2007. Prior to her current role as Director of Special Education, she had the privilege to work as a resource room teacher, 4th grade teacher, P-12 instructional coach, and Assistant Principal at Blaine Elementary School. She believes that all students are capable of high levels of success and achievement when provided equity and access to learning opportunities. She has two children that attend school in the district, and cares deeply about the students, staff and community of Blaine.