This information is updated annually and made available to all students and families in the Blaine School District to inform them of their rights and responsibilities. Complete policies and procedures are available on the Blaine School District BoardDocs portal here.

Students have certain rights as citizens and the school system cannot unduly infringe on those rights. What is contained in this document are rules that define the reasonable limits of those rights, based on the rules and regulations established by the State of Washington.

Enrollment Information

Students are most commonly enrolled at their neighborhood school. However, state law permits parents to request enrollment outside the designated attendance area (nonresident students). Boundary exception enrollment forms can be obtained from the Blaine School District Office.

District boundary information can be accessed by contacting the Blaine School District office at 360-332-5881.

Policy 3141 provides information regarding nonresident students.

Students enrolled in a high school program can participate in Running Start, a college credit program that is an outgrowth of the CHOICE legislation of 1990. This program allows students to simultaneously earn credit for high school graduation and toward a college degree. Students/ parents should contact a high school counselor at 332-6045 for application procedures. Whatcom Community College and Bellingham Technical College are the local institution which works collaboratively with the Blaine School District on this program.

Another college credit program is Advanced Placement (AP) which allows high school students to earn college credit by completing classes and tests demonstrating an applicable level of proficiency in the high school setting. Counselors can assist in registering students in Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

Directory Information

Federal law allows a school district to identify certain items as “directory information” which may be publicly released without permission of parents/guardians. The Blaine School District identifies this information as the following: name, address, listed telephone number (s), date and place of birth, major field of study, photograph or video image, participation in officially recognized activities and /or sports, weight/height of members of athletic teams, dates of attend ace, awards received, most recent previous school attended, or other similar information that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. This information may be released to the media, colleges and universities, the military, or any party with a similar level of interest, unless a form is filed with the Blaine School District, by the parent or guardian, that restricts the release of this information. At the beginning of each school, the applicable form will be sent home with each student. Parents are asked to return the completed form, as applicable to your expectations, to the school office. Forms may also be accessed on the District website, in the Parent Resouces section under the heading of "Release of Directory Information".

Student Records

Policy and Procedure 3231 states that information about individual students (other than Directory Information) will not be released to persons or agencies without the written consent of parents/guardians (see Directory Information). However, this policy also states that the Blaine School District will forward school records, without parent consent, to schools in other districts to which a student transfers. This procedure facilitates the prompt and appropriate placement of students in new school settings.

The Blaine School District also forwards, without consent, transcripts or other information requested by high school students to colleges or other post-high school educational institutions.

Special Education records will be maintained by the Blaine School District until they are no longer needed to support educational services to the student.

Confidential records are not maintained indefinitely, and may be destroyed when the student is nineteen years of age, or earlier if the student no longer attends school in the Blaine School District.

Parents or adult students who wish to obtain copies of a student’s records should submit a written request to the last school attended no later than thirty days after graduation, or no later than thirty days after the completion of the school year.

Policy and Procedure 3231states that the Blaine School District may withhold grades, diplomas, and/or transcripts of any student responsible for theft of, or willful damage to, school property until restitution is made by payment of monetary damages or by volunteer work, if the student is unable to pay restitution.

Health Care Information

State law requires that orders from a licensed health care provider for medication and/or treatments and a nursing care plan be in place before a student with a life-threatening health condition attends school (RCW 28.A.210). A health condition is considered life-threatening if that condition will put the student in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order is not in place.

Policy and Procedure 3416 allows school personnel to administer oral medication during school hours only under limited conditions which include a written request by a parent/guardian and a physician or dentist. Nonprescription medications must be sent to school in the original container. Prescription medications must be in a container appropriately labeled by a physician, dentist, or pharmacist. All medications must be accompanied by the Medication Request Form, which may be obtained from school office personnel.

If a student needs to carry and self administer their own medication, the school office manager or school nurse must be contacted for more information about appropriate and necessary procedures.

Policy and Procedure 3413 require that all students submit records of immunity to specified childhood diseases in order to register for school. Parents/guardians may claim a medical, philosophical, or personal exemption from any or all immunizations for their children. Please contact the school office manager with questions about immunization requirements.

Child Find

Child Find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The purpose of Child Find is to locate, evaluate and identify children with suspected disabilities in need of Special Education services including those who are not currently receiving Special Education and related services and who may be eligible for those services. Activities are to reach:

  1. Children residing in the school district boundaries including preschool-aged children.

  2. Children attending approved, nonprofit private elementary and secondary schools located within the district boundaries.

  3. Highly mobile children (such as children experiencing homelessness, in foster care and living in migrant conditions).

  4. Children who have a disability and may need Special Education services even though they are advancing from grade to grade; and

  5. Children at home or home-schooled.

For more detailed information and/or you have reasons to suspect your child or another child may have a disability which affects their education, please click on this link to CHILD FIND SCREENING INFORMATION/ASSESSMENT SCHEDULING.

School Employee Disciplinary Actions

State law requires school districts to provide parents and guardians with information regarding their rights under the Washington Public Disclosure Act to request public records regarding school employee discipline (RCW 28A.320) School districts must, at the first opportunity but in all cases within forty-eight hours of receiving a report alleging sexual misconduct by a school employee, notify the parents of a student alleged to be the victim, target, or recipient of the misconduct. School districts shall provide parents with information regarding their rights under the public records, act chapter 42.56 RCW, to request the public records regarding school employee discipline. To make a public records request, please contact the Blaine School District Education Service Center.

Asbestos Management

In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) which required schools to be inspected to identify any asbestos containing building materials. In compliance with the act, all Blaine School District facilities have been inspected for asbestos containing materials; the last inspection was conducted in February 2011. Every facility is re-inspected every three years.

The law further requires that a Management Plan be implemented for each district facility. The plan has several ongoing requirements: publish a notification on management plan availability and the status of asbestos activities; educate and train the employees about asbestos and how to deal with it; notify short-term or temporary workers on the locations of the asbestos containing building materials; post warning labels in routine maintenance areas where asbestos was previously identified or assumed; follow set plans and procedures designed to minimize the disturbance of asbestos containing building materials; and survey the condition of these materials every six months to assure that they remain in good condition.

All Blaine School District facilities have an operating Management Plan in place in the school office for public viewing, and a complete duplicate set in the Operations office. Mr. Alan Pomeroy, Facilities Supervisor, has been named as the district’s Designated Person and assigned to insure the compliance with all asbestos regulations. It is the District’s policy to maintain all asbestos in a safe condition. When possible, during planned renovation and maintenance activities, asbestos containing materials will be removed. The following buildings contain no asbestos, therefore no operations and maintenance programs or future inspections are required: Pt. Roberts Primary, Blaine Primary, Performing Arts Center, High School Gym Complex, and the additions at Blaine Middle and High Schools.

You are welcome to review a copy of the AHERA Management Plan in your individual school office during regular business hours. All inquiries regarding the asbestos plan and asbestos-related issues should be directed to Alan Pomeroy at 332-6613.

2016-2017 Asbestos Management Summary

During the 12-13 school year, the following activities occurred;

  • The High School Science Building was remodeled. All asbestos was removed from this building.

Pesticide policy and methods

In order to maintain a clean and healthy campus environment, it is sometimes necessary to employ the use of pesticides to control weeds, insects, rodents, or other pests. Wherever possible, preventive measures and inspection procedures are used rather than pesticide applications.

Typical pesticide applications at our facilities include:

1. High School Greenhouse: Bi-weekly application of Safer™ insect killing soap concentrate.

2. Main campus fence lines, sidewalks, and parking areas: Twice per year application of Round-up™ or Crossbow™ to control weeds and grasses.

3. Main campus-building overhangs and outbuildings: Wasp, Bee and Hornet Killer™ as required to control stinging insects.

4. Main campus and Pipeline Road Athletic Fields: Mec-Amine-D™ and AD100™ every other year to control broad leaf weeds.

Pesticide applications are made under the following restrictions:

1. Applications may only be done when schools (including play fields) are not occupied by students for at least two days (48 hours) after the application.

2. An application record must be completed on the same day as the application and kept on file at the Operations Office. This record is available to all interested persons.

3. No pesticide listed by the E.P.A. as “restricted” will be used on school facilities or grounds. Any material used to control pests must be E.P.A. registered.

4. Notice of all pesticide applications will be posted at each school office and the location of the application at least 48 hours in advance of application and remain in place 24 hours after application.

Information concerning pesticide use, records, and annual summaries is available by contacting the Blaine School District Operations Office at (360) 332-6613. Interested parties may register with the school district to receive pre-notification of pesticide applications. You will be asked to provide a phone, fax, or e-mail number where you will receive application information at least 48 hours in advance. This information will include:

1. The product name of the pesticide applied.

2. Date and time of application.

3. Location of pesticide application.

4. The pest to be controlled.

5. Name and phone number of contact person.

Pesticide Summary

Activity for the 2015-2016 school year consisted of bi-weekly application of Safen(tm) insecticide at the greenhouse and two applications of Round-up/Crossbow along fence lines, sidewalks and planters. three acres of parking area at the pipeline athletic complex were treated for weeds and grass by a commercial application of a mix of Class Act(tm), Karmex XP(tm), Crossbow(tm) and Cornerstone(tm) in August.

Teacher Qualifications

Under federal law, parents and guardians are entitled to request information about the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers. Such requests should be made to the District Personnel Office.
(No Child Left Behind Act/20 U.S. C6311/34 C.F.R. 200.61)

Student Conduct Code Violations

Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Policy and Procedure 3240 states that students will not possess, use, deliver, distribute, sell, offer to sell, or arrange to sell, or be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used or abused any controlled substance or counterfeit substance (identified in RCW 69.50.204) or any illicit drugs or alcohol as those terms are used in federal anti-drug and alcohol laws, including 20 U.S.C. 3171, 3221, etc., nor will they be in possession of drug paraphernalia as defined by RCW 69.50.102:

1. On the school grounds during and immediately before, or immediately after school hours.

2. On the school grounds at any other time when the school or school grounds are being used for any school activity, function, or event.

3. Off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event.

4. On or off school property when the possession, use, transmission, distribution or sale* of said item(s) has a material and substantial adverse impact on any or all aspects of the educational process.

Safe and Drug Free School

Under NCLB (No Child Left Behind) and Safe/Drug Free Schools requirements, it is important that all parents, staff and students are clear that by district policy, and the law, no firearms/dangerous weapons are permitted on any school facility (including buses, or school sponsored events).

*RCW 69.50.435 Drugs near schools – Felony
RCW 69.50.204 Schedule 1
20 U.S.C. 3161 et seq Drug-Free School and Communities Act of 1986

The Blaine School District recognizes that the use/abuse of alcohol, narcotics and other drugs is a societal problem. Within the context of a school, use/abuse represents a health danger, disrupts the educational process, contributes to behavior problems, often results in diminishing academic performance, and can prevent the fullest physical, intellectual, and emotional development of each student. Programs of education, prevention, intervention, and after care are supported by the Blaine School District, in collaboration and cooperation with public and private agencies. Violation of this policy will subject students to intervention as outlined in Policy and Procedure 2121.

Dangerous Weapons/Threats

Policy and Procedure 3240 states that is a violation of district policy, and state and federal law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon as defined below pursuant to state and federal law on school premises, including school-provided transportation. This also applies to non-school facilities when being used for school activities. Intervention and corrective actions for students violating this policy are reflected in Policy and Procedure 3240.

Bomb threats will not be tolerated; a threat to bomb or injure property is a violation of RCW 9.61.160.

Possession of firearms on school property will result in a one year mandatory expulsion, subject to appeal, with notification to parents and law enforcement.
(RCW 28A.600.420)

Exceptional Misconduct

Exceptional misconduct includes behaviors that have been deemed by the district, through a process designated by law, to be so serious in nature as to warrant an immediate resort to the identified prescribed consequences. These behaviors are described in Policy and Procedure 3240.


Policy and Procedure 3240 states the use and possession of any and all tobacco products in/on property owned or leased by the Blaine School District is prohibited. Please note that Washington state law prohibits minors from possessing any tobacco product regardless of how the minor obtained it.

Violation of this policy will subject students to intervention, as well as disciplinary action referenced in Policy and Procedure 3241.

Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Prohibited

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, including, but not limited to, one shown to be motivated by a characteristic in RCW 9A.36.080 (race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability) or other distinguishing characteristics when the act physically harms a student or damages their property, substantially interferes with a student’s education, creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment, or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school.

Individuals who believe there has been a violation of nondiscrimination, harassment, or bullying and intimidation laws may contact their school principal.

Complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying are addressed through Procedure 3207.

Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy and Procedure Resources:

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Policy and Procedure 3200 state the general policy of the district regarding student conduct. The procedures describe the disciplinary actions that may be imposed by the Blaine School District if a student should violate district policy.

Disciplinary action may include corrective measures, such as counseling, mediation, suspension, expulsion, or emergence action. Due process rights of students regarding notice of intended disciplinary action are also included in this policy and procedure. Special Education procedures are noted separately.

Due Process

Students have rights and responsibilities within every educational setting. Freedom of expression is allowed to the extent that it does not disrupt the educational process. Students also have the right to peacefully assemble in school facilities as long as there is no conflict with school functions and there is no disruption to the educational process.

If there is a reasonable suspicion to believe that prohibited articles are in the possession of a student or contained on school property, school personnel can search the student or the student’s property.

Student Discipline

If a student is accused of breaking a rule, he/she has the right to explain his/her description of events to a teacher, counselor, or administrator before the consequences are given. Parents/guardians are also allowed to meet with school staff to help identify concerns or solve problems, while also considering appropriate consequences. In the case of an emergency, students can be expelled immediately with the investigation to follow, especially if the safety of staff or students is a consideration. If there is a criminal offense, law enforcement authorities may be called and students may receive legal consequences in addition to discipline from the school system. Students and parents/guardians should receive written notification of the suspension within 24 hours of the action.

Short-Term Suspensions

Any student, parent or guardian who is aggrieved by the imposition of a short-term suspension shall have the right to an informal conference with the building principal or his/her designee for the purpose of resolving the grievance. After the building level grievance meeting, the student, parent or guardian, upon two (2) school business days prior notice, shall have the right to present a written grievance to the District’s Hearing Officer at 765 H Street, Blaine, WA 98230 (360-332-5881).

If the grievance is not resolved through that hearing, the student, parent or guardian upon two (2) school business days prior notice, shall have the right to present a written grievance to the district’s Board of Directors during the board’s next regular meeting. The short-term suspension shall continue notwithstanding the implementation of the grievance procedure set forth in this section unless the principal or his/her designee elects to postpone such action.

Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion

Any student, parent or guardian who is aggrieved by the imposition of the long-term suspension or expulsion, shall have the right to request a hearing, and must do so in writing and/or verbally before the expiration of the third (3) school business day after you receive the notice of long-term suspension or expulsion. If you request a hearing, it will be scheduled to commence within three (3) school business days after the day upon which your request is received.

A written decision setting forth the findings of fact, conclusion and the nature and duration of the suspension or lesser form of corrective action or punishment, if any, shall be provided to you within two (2) school business days after the hearing. The above procedures are pursuant to Washington Administrative Codes 180-40-260, 180-40-265, and 180-40-270.

Any student who has been suspended or expelled shall be allowed to make application for re-admission at any time (WAC 180-40-255).

Student Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a school related meeting or activity should contact the school or district office location no later than three (3) days before the meeting or as soon as possible so that arrangements for the modification can be made.

Complaints regarding discrimination relative to disability, as it pertains to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, are addressed in Policy and Procedure 2104. Questions pertaining to IDEA or 504 should be directed to the Special Programs Director, Lindsay Nowakowski at 360-332-5881.

Mandatory Attendance

The compulsory attendance law of the state of Washington requires that any child between 8 years of age and 18 years of age must attend school full time when school is in session unless the child is enrolled in an approved private school, an educational center, or is receiving home-based education.

If a parent enrolls a child who is six or seven years of age in a public school, the child is required to attend for the full time the school is in session.

Policy and Procedure 3122 defines excused absences, unexcused absences and truancies. This policy and procedure also defines the responsibility of the school district, parent/guardians, and teachers in monitoring school attendance. Based on RCW 28A.225.030, a petition must be filed with the Juvenile Court if a student has 5-7, unexcused absences in a month or 10 unexcused absences in a year, or if a student’s unexcused absences cannot be reduced over a period of time.

Summary Statements

The Blaine School District strives to promote positive communication among students, parents, and staff. All are encouraged to problem solve situations at the building level. If, however, there is dissatisfaction with this process or any of the above processes, concerns can be shared with the Superintendent’s office, 360.332.5881.

Non-Discrimination Statement: Blaine School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, pregnancy, marital status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Inquiries regarding compliance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX Coordinator and/or Section 504 Coordinator. Our Title IX Coordinator, Christine Anderson, and the Section 504 Coordinator, Lindsay Nowakowski, can be reached at 360-332-5881 or 765 H Street, Blaine, WA 98230.