Blaine School District 2018-19 Comprehensive Plan

At the July 29, 2019 meeting, the final 2018-19 Comprehensive Plan document was presented to the Blaine School District Board of Directors detailing progress on improvement plans for the 2018-19 school year. The document also includes 2019-20 Focus Areas to ensure that the District's work will continue to be carried forward. The Comprehensive Plan addresses specific ongoing academic and related action plans, as well as the issues of community engagement and relationship building, social-emotional learning and student safety, enhancement of graduation rates, and our current construction work. Comprehensive Plans for current and past years can be found in the "Documents" section of the District's website and mobile app. The staff of the Blaine School District continues to strive for maximum efficiency in this work, while committing to making those decisions that best assure for higher levels of overall student performance.